I had some time off, and took the bike out after playing a bit with the airscrews, about 1 and 3/4 turns where the point the bike fealt better, got idling to about 1.5 K, took it for a spirited ride for about 20 minutes pull back in the garage, and it's starts acting up again, the revs climb, you have to blip it to take them back down. The It just stutters and dies, restart it, sounds rough disconnected #1 spark plug lead, revs don't change, reconnected it and tried the same with number 4, and the same story, take a look around the overflow tube from #2 is leaking, so that's that, I'm taking my carbs apart.
These are my questions:
With planning, how long will it take?
If something's missing can it be fabed?
Besides basic tools what else would I need?
Since my 2 inner carbs are working, can I just leave those 2 alone or do I have to take them apart?