I agree 100% .
I will be the first to admit I tend to "stir the pot" so to speak , but I do consider this board a privilege to be a part of, and respect it and it's members..Arguments are gonna happen on message boards like this from time to time, thats normal. I have been on more than a few, from motorcycles , cars, etc...Their is usually a few members who think their superior to the other members because of their experience, ego, etc.. Some think the more technical they are, the more people will respect them, etc...The problem lies when these so called "experts" get questioned (by people like me) , then the arguments begin. Boards like these are to help people, not be a popularity contest, which is why I am glad the "karma" thing went away...
It's real easy to act like a tough guy when you are behind a keyboard in a different state...
Let's just keep it fun.