Did you notice it was empty??? Someone's been "busy"..... There are those that like to use an old sock you know....
Realistically, I think it was a jug of "Di-hydrogen monoxide", and RE: "The socks"... At 4:30am I pay little mind to fashion; er, um... I am unsure if I ever do
You know how us guys get... Once you catch the girl, we quit bathing, and begin the downward spiral toward "loserville". Just kidding (at least I hope...) The picture below is the real reason for crashing on the sofa.... She is 18 months at the moment, (Rebekah) and my wife is teaching her sign language... She knows 30+ signs right now, and will not only tell you when she is hungry, but what she wants, and when her diaper is dirty. She also signs motorcycle when I come home, or sometimes "hat" when I put on my helmet. She is a cool little girl; and to think I wanted a boy....