So finally some progress on this project!
I had the hubs and spacers to mount the discs made by an awesome machinist, got new spokes form David Silver and was finally ready to start assembling. The below pics and words are summed up from quite a number of days/nights of wrenching. Amazingly enough, all my calculations, measuremts and drawings have been pretty much perfect! This surprises me quite a bit, as I'm usually too impatient, get carried away and/or not being thorough enough. Only one uncomplicated axle spacer and caliper measurement was a bit off - easy to correct.

Ingredients for a great night: New parts and fuel for the body!

Nice work! I had my machinist press the bearings into place.

Finding those long bolts was somewhat of a hassle.

Everything seem to fit properly.

The clearance to the fork leg is 4 mm (measured from the rivets that protude a bit from the disc surface).

After a few... erh... practice runs, I got the lacing right.
In order to center the wheel on the axle, more spacers is needed. After careful measurements I made some drawings. The spacers are quite simple, and I should be able to make them myself. But, my new best friend - my machinist - is doing such a good job and at great prices too, that I ended up having him do them. I did mess up one measurement, so I had to shave off about 10 mm from the middle spacer. (Drawings are updated). The axle spacers drawings you'll find here: and below. The two outer ones are stainless steel and the middle one brass. You could use any material - the machinist and I just used whatever I had lying around.

Note the different alternate versions.

Shaving off 10mm because of brainfart when doing/calculating measurements. Drawings are updated.

The spacer rests on the inner bearing ring and the fork.

Finally all mounted. Man those discs look big!

More info coming, but it's getting way to late and junior get's up at 05:30 in the mornings... yay!
------------------------- !! UPDATE august 2017 !! --------------------------
A few guys have asked about the resulting height of the forks - here it is:

75 cm from the center of the front axle to the top of the triple tree.

Approximately 97,5 cm from the ground to the top of the triple tree.