To Two Tired I get 18 ohms across B & W wires and tried the magnetic test with a washer on a string, Nada,.
To 750duo the .02 ohms across yellows is roughly what I get and in theory I've put 12 volt on field coil by running wire to white wire directly from battery + term, nothing, and if I use - bat term volts at battery start to drop from 12.03 to 11.5- 11.2.
To Ibby I've looked brushes with alt cover off and checked them for continuity, connector to brush etc, as far as rectifier goes I made a truth table to make sure I didn't miss any of the permutations the tests and wrote every thing down, and as I understand it, diodes if they'll pass volts one way and not the other they're OK I haven't done the variable resistor test, no variable resistor.
Test equipment consists a digital multi meter with diode check frequency hold, volts hold autorange, manual, transistor check etc, it doesn't quite wipe afterwords, but close.