Hey All, life is just too busy! Decided to let the painting go for awhile and start the wiring. DREADED WIREING I need some help from someone on the board, I don't know how to present a question to everyone?
My 1st problem is I have no engine stop switch. I have found a always open switch, very small. It appears on the schematic that the black with white strip wire would need to be grounded to stop the engine? I don't know how much current runs through it but think it must be quite a bit? If so could I not run the small always open switch to a STDP relay and using the 87a pin to be able to use the small switch to activate the relay to open the circuit to ground thus killing the engine? Simple eh? Could use the help or send me packing on the forum where I should be asking this question. Mean while some photos for your amusement. #1 finally found a place for my PDM60, #2 note the huge bundle of wire on the right for the GripAce Switch , #3 The tie wraps are only temp. until everything is place looks like about a 12-15" need to be cut out in the rear , #4 not too crowded yet , #5 this is all the results of my misspent youth where did I go wrong , #6 My head is spinning!