MY My a little testy down under are we. Who asked you in the first place! I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you. You don't matter, so go peddle your misery on some others thread. With over 11,000 post you must not have anything better to do. You don't know or understand what I'm doing, its only important that I do, so shut the f**k up! Sic semper tyrannis !!
my butt.
My apologies to the rest of the forum but I didn't start this and it will end here with me, this guy is persona non grata to me.
Sorry dude but you started it by getting personal , remember this
thanks for the info,
You seemed to appreciate my help earlier on when it suited you..? I generalized about those firestones and you seem to have taken it personally, you said "They say the world spins a little slower at the South Pole" and got all sarcastic, I just pointed out what a lot of people already know, crap tires, I think your a bit weird

' You don't know or understand what I'm doing" Oh yes i do, i already pointed that out, hipo engine mods, better quality wheels and the worst possible tires that money can buy, awesome strategy ....
I am sorry mate, if i had known that your ability to absorb information was so inadequate and you were incapable of understanding what i was saying, i would never have bothered you. I know you , at the first sign of disagreement you try and get personal with the name calling and personal stuff, well done, but once again, your just inadequate. I know and understand perfectly but i think your struggling. Its a forum fool, you may have to go look that up as well, if you don't want comments DON"T POST IT ON THE INTERNET

chucking a tantrum because you don't like what i've said kinda says a lot....cause i was talking about the tires, not you...

Anyway, Thanks for the laughs....

I help lots of guys here but you aren't worth my time.... Oh and just remember, you guys invented rednecks , we are closer to the equator, we actually spin a little faster here....

Hey i won't be back, yell and scream and swear all you like. it'll only make me feel better....