Greetings Everyone, I've been enjoying this website and forum for a while now, and decided to join since I once again own a Honda sohc4, having recently purchased a 1978 CB550K in fairly nice original condition. This is the second Honda sohc4 that I've owned, several years ago I sold my 1975 CB550K that I spent a lot of time and effort refurbishing, which I've regretted letting go.
I've been riding since before I was driving, dirt bikes as a kid, then dual-sports and smaller/mid-size street motorcycles when I was younger, my favorite was a Honda CJ360T that I also refurbished, including wider rims, front disc brake, 6-speed transmission, larger headlight, etc. that were borrowed from other Honda models. This motorcycle looked factory inspite of the mixture of parts, and was capable enough to run with bigger models on backraod rides. I went through a sport bike phase, and enjoyed the models I had, but crouched riding positions and 3-digit speeds don't interest me as much these days, and now I'm rediscovering the joys of owning, riding, and working on a classic standard from the 70's.
The motorcycle that I bought needed a fair amount of overdue maintenance performed right away, things like leaking fork seals, seeping brake hydraulics, valve adjustment, etc. which I'm in the process of taking care of. While it is off the road undergoing work, I've decided to install a second disc and caliper up front, and string a wider (2.15") rim on the back hub, parts that I've had stashed away knowing that some day I would acquire another CB550.
The weather here in Northern California is great for nearly year-round riding, and lately it has been fabulous, so I'm really looking forward to getting this CB550 back out there, hopefully in the next week or so.