I understand cooked. I've been to this area a couple times before and never saw this kind of heat, I hope the power doesn't fail - gotta have that ac!
While I raced & since have seen a lot of race tracks but first time at Laguna, super spot, always love elevation changes for a bike course, but the trade-off is it's not particularly spectator friendly, and it was just too hot to walk all the way around to see every corner. Nicky on his GP screamer lapped over 3 seconds faster than brother Tommy in the superbike race. That's what I wanted to experience, that & the sound, incredible
Sunday it took us 2&1/2 hours to get on a bloody bus, a real disaster in that heat, any other day their bus plan worked well. There were probably double the people on Sunday, so it overtaxed the evac plan!
Stay cool & to hell with the Gobi dudes.