Ok so I found this bike really close to home. Either a cb or cl 450. The guy wants $1500. Clear title. Aluminum wheels, tires look good. I guess it was someones track bike, so it has some motor work done like pistons, cams, jetting, etc. Says the motor has been polished up and runs great. It has a battery eliminator which I am not real fond of. I am gonna guess that the starter and misc has been taken out. Says that if he rides it for too long of a period with the headlight on that it will die. I am guessing a stator issue?? Says it has a little "computer battery" in it. I am guessing a little capacitor. I would like to put the battery back in it if it's not too pricey a job. Looks like it has nighthawk mufflers on it. I was thinking of getting a Benjies tank and seat combo for it and maybe changing out the mufflers. I like it when they are a straight looking pipe the whole way back. Also eventually changing up the handlebars and gauges.
So what do you guys think about the bike for $1500?