you need to use copper slip when using SS bolts in alli. It serves as a "neutralizer" between the two types of metal.
Be sure to use it 
Copper is an absolute no-no for stainless and aluminum... probably one of the worst things you can do to your calipers or cases. Use a zinc or aluminum anti-seize (I'm assuming that's what you mean by "slip") on your bolts for proper protection of the bolts and cases. Copper can be used in high-temp areas like the plugs and exhaust mounting bolts, but not much of anywhere else.
Copper eats aluminum for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
ok, im really confused now...i read many times that copper slip is a must, maybe i misread it and supposed to use an anti-seize. but here me out here....
galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar materials are mated together, correct? now, copper is a great conductor of electricity third to Silver and gold... now, seeing that copper is a great conductor, and adding it between two dissimilar metals, wouldn't it help to alleviate the "difference" in potential of the two different metals and make them "one"? its main purpose, like any other grease type substance is to keep moisture out, which is the number one cause of corrosion in the first place.
secondly, i think using aluminium slip is defeating the object of separating the two metals? to alleviate the differences in potential? arent you causing a better difference in material by doing that?