I hate this wave at each other #$%*
Bikes were my only form of legal transport for the first 25 years i was on the road, i got comfort, especially when doing long trips, knowing that the other guys that waved or gave recognition of a fellow rider , would also be there if anything happened to me whilst out on the road, and they have done. We have always been a downtrodden part of "regular" society, frowned on and looked down on, especially earlier on, and that is part of what gave us the brotherhood sense of being, maybe some of you haven't been around or ridden as long or as passionately as some of the older guys here but i can assure you that there still is a brotherhood, unspoken, to and for the dedicated and i hope it lasts for as long as i do because i'm proud to be a part of it... I don't have to know them to know them...... Maybe you just don't understand..... By the way, i don't give a fcuk what anyone else rides..