Took a few pictures to better show the how the "patina" has kinda of crossed the line.

Fairly large pieces of paint are flaking off the frame now.
Unsure about painting or Powdercoating the frame.
There is a decent amount of filler molding the frame, don't think you can do that and then coat it.
So I guess it will need to be painted.
Need to figure out the rear fender as the wheel is not sitting centered.
When looking at it quick the other night I think the wheel is centered in the frame, so the issue must be a bent fender.
Started to lay out all the engine pieces.
Think I want to have the cases vapor blasted.
Never used that service, so the results I have seen are amazing. Have a few sets of motor covers, will pick the best and blast those.
Since the bike is stone axe simple, my list of needed service items is relatively short.
Was thinking about tires a little bit.
Is this the only bike that a Firestone rep makes sense (rear)?