This crap needs to stop. No more fcking around. Take out 1 American and expect to lose thousands of your own should be the way to go. Level a couple of these terrorist's home towns and they may think twice before seeing the US as a target. That's what I think. Kill them all. Have a nice day.
Thats the kind of thinking that will make it worse, killing indiscriminately is what they do, do you wish to become a terrorist as well.? My condolences to all involved, Crush, you are a lucky guy...
This is why, its times like these where irrational thoughts are not needed *shrug* @ 
Two hours earlier and yeah I would have been on board with terrorism without much data analysis. Two hours after the event removes a lot of the terror and terrorism motives and becomes more targeted and even possible wanting to reduce innocent death toll. Any incident of purposeful loss of innocent life is unacceptable but this could have been a lot worse.
Irrational, you want to argue over a definition of a friggin word while people are dying due to a terrorist attack {home grown or not} and members here are expressing remorse and now you are #$%*ing about emotions or irrational thought...seriously , also , i don't know how many marathons you've been to but the winner doesn't usually come home to the biggest crowd, people are still running for hours after the winner gets home and the streets are lined with supporters and family, even the poor victims and families from Sandy Hook were there, and once again if you had watched the news footage you would know that it mattered not what time it was, the street barriers are what limited the carnage, there were packed crowds still watching, not many more people could have fitted between the building and the street barricade, it was packed. Considering on a normal day there would have also been less people makes it a targeted attack for what ever reason....If you think that was intended to reduce the carnage then you are delusional... No one is having a go at you having an opinion, but a little more thought should go into what you have to say....