Srust 58, Really? Do you believe what you wrote? Like targeting an American town would be at all appropriate? I may be irate and possibly out of control sometimes but by no means an Einstein or a total a$$hole.
While it's true that I don't understand what would drive someone to do this to innocent people , I do understand that ground troops have been sent to counties to destroy the evil and leave the considered "innocent" safe. That is why we haven't bombed without warning the target area first, problem is, the evil leave with the innocent. So that doesn't work.
The other thing that doesn't work is our servicemen being attacked , booby trapped, or otherwise placed in harms way by "innocent" people who would lead them to believe that they are not associated with those who would be the enemy. This is why we loose ground troops. period.
The suggestion that bombing 1000 of theirs to one of ours is quite the pill to swallow , although I don't know of a stronger deterrent. Do you?
We have an air force of drones that could get the point made with no US losses, My thought was , had it been done once, the precedent as a viable action would be set, like that of the Atomic bomb, it's so horrific, that it has been a deterrent for 50 years. Einstein , no that isn't me. I'm still looking for answers and a better way to avoid such actions as terrorism, but to suggest to take out an American city like in Mc veigh's case. That may be the words of an a$$hole. We need to find an answer to this before it becomes commonplace . If you have a better idea ,please share, we should explore other options, because what we have been doing doesn't work. If the bomber is home grown,of course, he'll have to die.
I accept that everyone has an opinion, and they should, being rude however, is not acceptable.
Have a nice day.