Ok, back to my Kaw that may not ever win a race!
Decided to go on a little ride last Sunday evening and got a half block and front end felt real odd, oh #$%*e, got a flat tire. No prob, was going slow and just turned back for the house. So, what to do, spend money repairing a tube/tire that is 16 years old? No way, ordered an Avon Roadrider after an hour or so of shopping. Considered Dunlop & Bridgestones but have those, you guys seem to rave on the Avons, so that was it. And a Bridgestone tube and rim strip. The old rim strip is hanging out, could that have caused the flat?
Came home from work and a tires and a couple boxes sitting on the front porch.
Better than Xmas!

New Avon, new repop seat from Japan via Z1parts, OEM bars, controls, clutch perch, levers, grips and hardware, a polished clutch cover to replace the dinged one on the bike and an oil pan. Better than Xmas, stuff that I need and really want!
The seat quality is amazing and comes with all hardware needed, great deal at $125. I also ordered a new DID rear rim to replace the goofy 16" HD on there, but will do that next month. Plan to have the new Avon mounted and balaced tomorrow and will be back on the road this weekend.