Well, it took more than a week to get the gauges back, but it was definitely worth the wait.
Don is a retired Kaw Triples enthusiast and restores the gauges at his home in Florida as a hobby. I sent thim the entire cluster and let him do "his thing"!
He not only repaired the faulty gauges but did a total cosmetic resto as well, I am very pleased...
The speedo now reads correct [this thing hits 80 quick!] and the tach needle no longer bounces, as he replaced the damper.
My controls were showing light surface rust so I sent those to him as well. He bead blasted them, cleaned em up and painted them.
While all that was being done, I did a little cosmetic work on the left side of the engine...
I love polished aluminum but not a fan of the natural aluminum engines of these Triples.
I now regret not painting the cases, cylinders and heads, may do it one day.
Will not be doing this on the H2, that motor will get powdercoat.
Speaking of the H2, left a message yesterday at the machine shop, WTF is my motor!??
Now that I sold the Lester wheels, it is full bore ahead [sorry, bad pun] on the engine rebuild!