Just mocked up the wheels and the new ones are so much lighter and more modern looking. The front rotors are the same size. The tire itself is 24 inces tall compared to the stock 26 but its quite a bit fatter than the stock. The rotors will line up with 3/16 spacers or so. Will have to get dial indicator out and fugue for wheel spacers and cut new ones. The rear fell right in. Ill have to make a big spacer/caliper bracket and the other spacer.
I got the manifold sucked in with a Ratchet strap and the carb fits in real nice and clean. The radius even lines up with the motor as your looking down.
Thinking about low rise drag bars. Maybe build some of those too. I like how much cleaner it looks today after finally workin on it.
Sent from the back woods of vt via patchy Internet
Live free and ride hard