Well I was considering getting new sparks and plugs anyway, I just don't know if I should get splicers w/ new cables, just get new plugs and use old cables, or just new everything (coils too). I found this set at Dime City, but i dont know what the Ohm. rating on the plugs are measured at, there were sets sold on ebay that have NGK plugs, and correct copper wire as well.
When looking at the condensers, what should my attention be at? Is there some voltage I can measure? Will they look physically damaged?
The fuel system should be okay, I just rebuilt the petcock, I'll check the filter in there and see if there is anything caught in it. All the fuel line goes downward into the t-connectors, If i open the overflow bolts some fuel should pour out?
I have not done anywork to the motor yet, I wanted to get this thing up and running, to see if it will before I do that. I need to run to my uncles house and get the compression gauge. dam tools are scattered everywhere....
hopefully there is solid compression in each cylinder...