Folks, loads of info there, still havnt done carb strip down, might wait till winter and do it then, at mo our weather is so crap it's just a case of grabbing the sun shining and head out when I can, I give bike a 1000 mile service a one thing I noticed I'm not getting to full timing advance, points gap on both sets perfect, strobe light shows 1&4 on f1.4 and also 2&3 on f2.3, for this I used cylinder leads 4 & 2, advance unit I removed and checked, it's working ok, no tightness and springs are good, so all is great at 1200rpm, but putting revs upto 2500 or even more the advance timing is not achieved, although timings advance it stops short of the correct llocation, I deally according to manual it should be between two marks but it's not, it about 2 maybe 3 mm short of that position.