Lucky!!! PLease tell us HOW you can find out what engine number should be in your frame. I'd really like to know!!!
HONDA built MILLIONS of these motorcycles and millions of engines, neither were built in the same area of the factory,there were probably 5000 engines built and backed up before the frames came available. For example a 1975 F has frame# of CB750F-1000002 and the engine# (STARTS)CB750F or E-2500004. put the engines in as the bike s came available and didn't worry about matching ###
The ONLY bike I can only think of that ENG.and FRME#S match were HARLEYs and BRIT bikes because in the 50/60s the HDs were registered by engine#( which matched the frame) People didn't want to steal the frames they want the engine for a chopper..
If someone tells you you CAN'T own a M?C registered by engine only they are full of it.
If the bike started out in the NE where that was how M/Cs were registered originally then other states will continue to register it for you by engine#
BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT and NEVER had a problem!!!