Drats on the valve cover removal. Seemed like there would be enough room in there, but I knew it was a crap shot.
Not sure how to describe it, just... warbly... ever messed with a wah pedal on a guitar? So imagine you're revving my engine up, moving from 1k to 6k everything is nice and smooth, just that smooth increasing pitch. Past 6k you start to get this oscillating tone, higher then lower then higher then lower, like someone is messing with a wah pedal. That's the best explanation I can give. I'm mostly worried about the smoke and idle issues right now, but I'll see if I can get a recording of that later on so you can hear better what I'm talking about.
Again though, my main focus for the moment is the smoking and popping at idle since the bike performs pretty well and is perfectly rideable. Just trying to get that sorted.
I know 20w50 would be a band aid of sorts, but from what I understand I should be running it anyway and if it helps this issue all the better. I'd rather wait as long as possible to replace those valve seals.
Thing that still bothers me is that it... #$%*... Lucky is about to be pissed at me but I swear this is just a coincidence, I know how to adjust valves and I guarantee mine are 100% adjusted properly... Anyway, we rode it for a couple real short rides and it wasn't smoking, after those couple rides I finished putting a couple things back together and adjusted my valves and about the second ride after that is when it started smoking. It was a longer ride too.
I suppose if you have questions about how I did it, ask away. Used .002 for intake and .003 for exhaust, adjusted one cylinder at a time, did intake while exhaust was fully opened and then exhaust while intake was fully opened. Double checked after after I tightened lock nuts, Tripple checked after turning engine over...
But now I'm tempted to check cylinder 4 again just to be sure since it's fouling so bad.