I am not aware that the GL1000 has a speed sensor. When I say speed sensor, I'm talking about a device inside the A speedometer. I just reviewed the GL1000 schematic, and it differs from the A speedo.
Maybe it will help to understand what the speed sensor does. As you know - when you at a stand still, and put the bike in gear, the solenoid is energized, and the carb throttle is opened slightly so that the idle speed doesn't drop. For the 76 A bikes, the throttle is held open this slight amount anytime the bike is in gear - at all speeds. For the 77/78 A bikes, Honda changed the design so that the idle control shuts off at a certain speed (17 MPH, I think).
The reason for this change in design - no one knows (or if they do know, they haven't fessed up). I thought that maybe it could be for "engine braking" - or it could be for emissions. Either way, the 77/78 A function - we certainly don't NEED it - but we may want the bike to operate the way it was designed.
I only share all of this as justification for reverting back to the 76 design.