Author Topic: Robert's Rides 1974/1975  (Read 1391 times)

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Offline rob hanley

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Robert's Rides 1974/1975
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:18:13 AM »
Robert's Rides 1974/1975;sa=view;id=933

1974K and 1975F The 1974 sat in a barn for over 30 years with only 12,049 miles on the clock. I purchased from a yard sale on CL. Motor and front caliper froze from sitting, and no seat. Purchased a complete running 1972 CB 750 with no papers on CL. Installed the 72 engine, front brakes, and old 4into2 exhaust and what I call, the John Wayne Wyatt Earp seat. I used this seat and old exhaust only because I wanted to ride asap. Ride on the cheap! I always work out all the mechanics first before I ever start spending cash. This is one Butt Ugly Honda. We'll after some 30 plus years of sitting the Honda came to life. I put some 185 miles in the first three days. I couldn't stop riding it. I did over 9 miles just going around my block to make sure I wasn't going to push it back home. Never going over 30/40 mph, because of the old tires and unknowns. The 7T4 Honda never burped. It rides much different than my 75 Super Sport. I owned the same Green 74 CB back in 1975 and always wanted another one some day. I want to install a set of 4into1 with the exit pipe going straight back, just below the rear foot peg. Seams the exhaust today are mostly up-swing cafe style. I want the drag style 4into1's. Not into cafe's.