Author Topic: K1, a NOS seat for $133 in 1994  (Read 1357 times)

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K1, a NOS seat for $133 in 1994
« on: May 11, 2013, 06:19:22 PM »
K1, a NOS seat for $133 in 1994;sa=view;id=940

Brand new perfect seat, thanks Bike Bandit (no internet back then, found you in the back of a magazine in 1994). 

Could have, should have -bought those brand new HM300's to replace my HM341's found in a junkyard coated with grease and mud.  Back then HM300's were new from a CA dealer for $800, full complete exhaust system...19 years later and I'm still considering buying them...anyone selling a perfect used set of HM300's?
Actually, you CAN polish a let's go ride to get a beer and food.