Got back at 4.30pm today...another great day of moto adventure. After the delicious coffee and croissants at the Smoky Mountain Roaster we rode down Rt74 to Rt28N. It rained the whole way but we had geared up after coffee do it was all good. As we sped along Rt28 the rain dried up which was a good thing as there was a detour at Fontana which took us on this tight twisty mountain road which kept us alert.
After this little sojourn we sped through a very wet Rt129 to Robbinsville before discovering Deals Gap was the opposite direction - oops! However it worked out in our favour as going back Rt129 was now dry and since it followed the river there were plenty of wide sweepers, tight turns and chicanes. A good warmup for what was to come.
We arrived at Deals Gap saw the tree of shame, had some lunch and marvelled at how quiet it was. Even better the roads were semi-dry and it wasn't raining.
I was thinking of Jerry as we set off and have to say was a little nervous. However having spent the last few days on super technical roads I need not have worried. It was empty! I had the whole road to myself (Anders had sped off in front). Tight turns and every now and then a KillBoy tent photographing you as you took some corner...of course I tried hard to pose as I tried not to crash! The 11 miles flew by fast and I got to the other side without having seen a single cop

. So I turned round and did it all again this time stopping at the overlook. No traffic again! At the overlook drops of rain began to fall do I quickly took off and got back to Deals Gap exhilarated that I had not crashed and no one else had hit me! The K4 performed amazingly!!
I parked the bike in front of the KillBoy dragon and then the skies opened up - torrential downpour!!! Success I had made it!!!
We spent about 45 waiting for the rain to stop but it never did so it was a wet ride home via Rt 28/Rt74/Rt19.
Another adventurous day and we keep on thinking just how great these bikes are. 40+ year old and still giving all they got.
Tire review - Dunlop K70 - I said yesterday how great these tired have been in the twisties and still adhere to this. However the 1458 miles in the last 4 days - much of that high speed miles has not been good for the rear. I doubt it would get me home. Lucky for me I have a fellow SOHC rider (not on forum) coming from TN tomorrow to ride with us for a day and he has been very kind in bringing me a new IRC tire he picked up at the local Honda shop. Will get me home at least.
That's all for now - check out today's photos below.