I've been asked to describe a bit closer on how i shortened the seat pan.
I did not take that many pictures while i was doing the shortening, so i hope this helps.
This first picture shows how much shorter the new pan is.
I took a measurement from the vertical part of the seat with the red cowl to the end of the frame.
This is the measurement that you need to cut from the pan.

I do not have pictures of the pan parts before i tacked them together, but this picture shows, a bit what how i cut the pan.
In this pitcure the pan is only tacked together on the sides.
As you may or may not see, the hinge brackets are left in place, i cut around them. as shown in a later picture.
i do not have a picture of the uncut pan, but when you see it, the shape i cut the rear part of the pan should make sense.
The front part of the pan needed some hammering to get the metal to meet up with the rear part.

The next picture show the hinge with the metal supports i made.
sorry for the poor picture quality. Low lighting and shallow DOF. + some shaking.
The supports were welded in after i had welded the 2 halves together.

another picture of the same.
I should change how this support structure is welded together, since removing, and reassembling the plastic rear bit. Is already a pain without the seatcover. This area needs to be wider.

Picture of the lock side.
More hen dropping welds.

When all is done, it should look like this
