Today i re checked my cam timing.
Initially i made the adjustments with an homemade degreewheel. And i wanted to recheck it when my APE wheel arrived.
It was good that i did the recheck. I had managed to missread the valve closing value by 5 degrees.
The brass adapter i made for my cd-rom degree wheel also fit the APE wheel.
The next thing i did was to modify a Moto GPwerks swingarm to make it fit my f1. When i bought the thing off evbay i only read cb750f. I was so happy to find a swingarm i did not see that it was for a DOHC.
So today i pulled the needle bearings. Cut off 3mm on each side, and made 2 bronze bushings to fit the SOHC axle. Then i filed the last 1 mm off each side to make sure it was straight.
The damper angle is less than ideal. But i will have to live with it.
Frode j
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