I found in the original thread this post by Spanner 1:
"You can use an aftermarket R/R on your bike as a rectifier only BUT you need to know that there is 1 MAJOR difference between the Honda wiring colors and aftermarket products. Honda always used BLACK as 12V+ for wiring on their SOHC bikes ( Black = 12v + with switch 'on' ). The R/R you have uses Black as GROUND and the wiring would be ; Yellow/yellow/yellow to 3 x yellow ( no sequence ).
Red to red/white and Black to Green ( ground )

I grabbed an OEM R/R unit and tested continuity between the two black wires, indeed it is simply a pass through, with no other continuity between any other wires, so when your ignition is switched "on" this black wire can be jumped to the black wire going down to the brushes on the rotor.
This unit was blown, and white had no continuity whatsoever with any other wire on the R/R unit. Does anyone know if this is the actual piece of the puzzle that makes the original R/R units inoperable? Is this what separates from ground because it has to dump so much juice it eventually fails?
So in following that formula, Red/White is just as good as connecting a new wire straight to the battery (+) which is the center pin on the Dodge. This would have two connections, one to the (+) of the Rectifier, and then a jumper over to the center pin of the VR295.
The Black wire to the brushes would be jumped (I.E. Left alone on a dead R/R) to provide 12+ to the brushes witch key and run "on". This should stop the 10ma drain.
The White wire coming back from the brushes would come back to the Dodge VR295 outer pin.
In this way if what might be true, we would not have to purchase the Rectifier portion, just the VR295, cut the white wire off of the OEM R/R unit and put it to the outside terminal of the VR295, and then splice in a wire to the center of the VR295 with a Scotch Lock to the Red/White wire INSIDE the R/R harness. The final step would be to pigtail an eyelet from the case of the VR295 mounting bolt to a Scotch Lock to the green wire of the dead R/R.
I have included the "conflicting" wiring diagram of Ford vs. Dodge to compare the line leaving the field rotor brushes.