I haven't owned a bike in 16 years, have ridden a few since then but not enough
to stay sharp. I time trial cars so I'm a bit use to speed.
As a "born again" rider here is how I look at it. It's like starting over. I remember the
first 2 weeks are the worst time. I also ride on the toughest roads in the country, a "worse" than "tail of the
dragon" everywhere I ride. Gravel on the road is a distinct possibility. Drivers continually cross the
yellow lines, if there are any lines. (The same curve I mention the 18 year old was killed in,
my youngest son hit a car trailer over the line, pealed the car trailers front axle off, bent my sons
front left tire around backwards and he slid his brothers Fiat spider off the bank ending up upside down.
Walked away nary a scratch but the car was totalled, when it's not your time it's not your time)
Anyway I decided when I got the 750 to treat it like I was starting over, though I have maintained
a motorcycle license all these years. Particularly to watch out for the 2 week scenario I went through the
first time at 18. I rode a ditched that time and stayed up but really taught me a lesson. I need to practice
panic stops in curves, straight lines are no problem, coming around curves around here can be.
So any practical advice on say, "panic stops in a curve" would be appreciated. Slow speed stuff I'll practice on
my own (This is all they do in the local motorcycle safty sessions.)