Wow. I started reading about Michel's insomnia, and read thru three pages of complaints about the US' health system. As Mick has mentioned, we have a taxpayer funded (and welfare recipient abused) health system here in Oz, that "sort of" works.
Generally speaking, if you have a life threatening illness like Mick had, regardless of how much money you haven't got, you won't be turned away. Of course, if you've got private health cover, you'll go to the front of the line and you won't suffer the symptoms for as long as your uninsured co-sufferer.
A classic example was my mate jeff, the proprieter of Ace Motorcycles. He and his son Adam were working on a bike, and Jeff managed to shear off the top of his thumb (from the knuckle forward) betwixt the chain and rear sprocket.
Adam drove Jeff over to the Austin Hospital, where they repaired it as best as they could. (the top part of the thumb was mashed, so they couldn't stick it back on) Anyway, they kept him over night, and discharged him next day.
When it came to settling up, he had the choice of using his "Workcover" insurance, (which would automatically incur a WHS audit of his business, so that got the arse very quickly) his private health insurance (which would have required him to pay a $2000.00 "Excess") or claiming it on Medicare (our famous "Free" system) which he did, and it cost him nothing, and they threw in some antibiotics too. As Mick said, the system isn't perfect, by a long shot.............

Good thing is, drugs are cheap here. Pensioners in regional city here in Oz are getting prescribed Oxy-Contin which they only pay a couple of bucks per bottle, then sell to the drug addicts for heaps, so they can maintain their poker machine addiction. I guess it all evens out in the long run.
Michel, I'm only good for a couple of hours sleep per night, due to back pain. (ex-paratrooper) Like Chuck, I can get some drugs to knock myself out at the governments expense due to my injuries being accepted by the DVA, but I worry about the side effects, so instead, I take a couple of "over the counter" (not prescribed) "Panadeine Extra" and a couple "Codral For Flu" tablets each night, and the combination of pain relief and antihistamines causing drowsiness allows me to sleep for a couple of hours, change position, sleep for a couple of hours, change position again, and so on.
The pharmacist tells me not to take any more than 8 of each per day, but I rarely take more than two of each per day, at bed time. The cost is quite reasonable too, because I can't buy more than a 24 pack of Panadeine extra at one time, (by law) I buy a 24 pack of each drug per week, at a total cost of around 20 bucks. Cheers, Terry.