I bought another on-line business today. http://www.usedboattrader.com
I'm just a bit exited and I wanted to share. It's a nice site with good potential.
The owner contacted me a while back, but knowing how hard it is to come across someone who can manage and successfully market an on-line directory, I must admit I strung him along for a bit. He finally got frustrated and put it up for sale on Ebay.
I got it for thousands $$ less than he was asking at the beginning of our discussions.
I'm looking forward to the new challenge...........bikes are all running fine, nothing to do?
Should be fun to have that mail lady come more often as well 
......and no Terry, I haven't sold mine yet, but who knows what the future holds now 
top right photo on site is mine if anyones interested
Well done Derek! Now listen mate, as much as you love that ol' boat of yours, it's more a boat anchor than an asset, so how about you come to "Terry's house of boat arson where you never pay full price"?
Being both a boat hater (I get seasick on a wet lawn) and an arsonist (nah, not like in "Brokeback Mountain" Eldy........) it would be my pleasure to turn your beautiful restoration into a roaring inferno that no fireman could hope to control until it burns itself down to the water-line, by which time of course it'll be a total loss, and you can move on with a pocket full of insurance cash?
In fact, a lot of boat owners are in the same situation as your good self with their life savings bobbing up and down with the tide, so why not offer (covertly, of course) this additional service to your advertisers, i.e., if their boats don't sell after a month or two, they'll mysteriously explode, while the owners are attending the local policemans ball or some other similar public event, thus affording them an iron-clad alibi? Let me know mate, it works well here, business is (Ka)Booming"! Cheers, Terry.