Some people just don't have ANY common sense, here a few TRUE stories!!
I knew a blonde WOMAN ,mid 30s that was once told that the oil level in her car was LOW so buy a couple of qts and put them in the car, two weeks later she calls and says her engine seized up,
Where is the oil you were told to put in the car??? ans= It's right here in the back floorboard.. Miss-communication or just dumb ,you choose!!
One of my X son-in-laws was told by his DAD , you always have to make sure to have a cap on your tire valve stems or a stone could get in there and let the air out, common sense
Once knew a man that had a nice car but it had a small oil leak and he was told to check the oil once a week and add a little oil as needed when it was low till he could rebuild his engine, about 6 weeks later he calls and say engine is locked up!! When was the last time you checked the oil??? 6 weeks ago !! A qt of oil=3$ new engine 3000$ NO COMMON SENSE AT ALL>>!!!
The SAME man rode a CB750 from western NC to the DC area and back and said the bike is making a grinding noise= The CHAIN was so LOOSE it had almost cut the swingarm off.!!!
I just can't believe people are born with common sense, they have to learn form others!!!! Most all are born with a degree of reasoning= a way to problem solve.