I also run an 80 CB650C. I'm in the process of cleaning up the carbs, too. Since yours runs, you'll probably just need a minimal cleaning. In your place, I'd just pull the carb bowls and clean up the jets and emulsifier tubes. It's not a perfect solution, but it should get you back on the road. The main jets are easy- it takes a 7mm wrench to pull the emulsifier tube, and a big screwdriver to get the jet out. To make sure you get the slow jets clean, you'll need to pull them.
The slow jets are press fit, but all you need to do is get a good grip on them with pliers or vice grips, give them a slight rotational wiggle, then pull them out. There are 4 tiny holes in the emulsifier tubes on each of those jets, and just blowing aerosol carb cleaner through them doesn't guarantee they get cleaned out. It doesn't take much to clog the idle circuits because the late 70s and early 80s bikes attempt to use mechanical carbs to achieve EPA-mandated emissions controls, resulting in an extremely lean design. Because they're made to be so lean, clean jets and emulsifier tubes are a necessity.