Author Topic: Motorcycle wrecks in your area  (Read 1582 times)

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Offline jamesb

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Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« on: May 27, 2013, 07:56:18 PM »
This month has been terrible for collisions in my area 3 wrecks in one day last week one of them was my cousin. This past week 2 in one day another the next day that I unfourtantley had to witness. People in cars do not watch out at all. There are certain areas I avoid at all cost mainly the ghetto areas it seems that ghetto drivers do not pay attention at all. The wreck I wittnessed was in the ghetto the lady just flat out pulled in front of the guy. And if you slow down they just tailgate you real bad. Another guy at a intersection 3 weeks ago comes to a screeching halt beside me jumps off his bike and starts yelling at the couple next to us apparently they had pulled out in front of him. So he starts cussing screaming and kicking their jeep liberty. He beat the crap out of the drivers side until the guy said f¥€{ this and ran the red light. That was a trip. I don't wear a helmet but I guess it's time I need to start looking for one. Is it just where I live but are bike wrecks on the rise in other areas
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Offline dave500

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 12:49:04 AM »
we have a few my way,google up gold coast bike accidents or something,a few years ago i think we had over twenty in one year on the gold coast?includes scooters,one bad one a year ago was an r1 rider slammed into two scooters both carrying pillions,two killed,they were hired scooters,another bike avoiding the main smash ran off the road.

Offline LesterPiglet

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 12:53:55 AM »
In the past two weeks in my town which is small..two people I know have been rear ended. REAR ENDED! WTF is going on? Also in the same time period another mate was squeezed off the road. Luckily all three weren't injured. In town it's deadly, not so bad outside.
'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings. Same with 'of' and 'have'. Set and sit. There, their and they're. Draw and drawer. Could care less/couldn't care less. Bought/brought FFS.

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Offline dave500

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 01:12:22 AM »
yeah i rarely ride in town,i drive a truck there all week,in the last year in town ive had to slide but not drop it through a roundabout because a dick wasnt going to give way,,and been gently rear ended that damaged the cars number plate only and one lane changer didnt look or see me or somthing when i was directly beside him?in the truck ive been hit from behind by a brand new school bus with no passengers aboard, smashing its headlights.

Offline 74cb750

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 03:15:31 AM »
yeah i rarely ride in town,i drive a truck there all week,in the last year in town ive had to slide but not drop it through a roundabout because a dick wasnt going to give way,,and been gently rear ended that damaged the cars number plate only and one lane changer didnt look or see me or somthing when i was directly beside him?in the truck ive been hit from behind by a brand new school bus with no passengers aboard, smashing its headlights.

Sounds like you could start a youtube station? if you had a dashmount camera,
like them Russian drivers crash videos, And make $ at it. :-)
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Offline 70CB750

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 03:39:06 AM »
I had lady look straight at me in a parking lot - she was stopping for a stop sign.

So she looks right at me and pulls in front of me.  Luckily I know cretins like this one and I was ready to stop.  On the next traffic light I told her few chosen words - hopefully next time she will be more careful.

Or waiting on a traffic light on a T.  Guy comes from the right cutting corrner and he aims straight for me.  He was not looking where he was going.  That was a fun moment.
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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 07:32:49 AM »
This weekend, we've had quite a few noted in the news. But then, we do have 15 to 20 thousand extra bikes in town for Rolling Thunder.
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Offline dave500

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 01:18:27 PM »
Sounds like you could start a youtube station? if you had a dashmount camera,
like them Russian drivers crash videos, And make $ at it. :-)

i run a dash cam in the truck and have posted a few scenes here.

Offline Bailgang

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 02:25:10 PM »
Dodging white tail deer is an issue around here. Had a bike accident a few weeks ago where the rider saw the deer ahead of time and as soon as he saw the 4th one cross the road he thought the coast was clear and gave the bike some throttle only to find there was a 5th deer. The bike ended up ten feet off the road and rider taken to hospital for head injuries. Another issue is a small roundabout the town installed 2 years ago, roundabouts are a new thing to the locals here and very few took the time to understand who had the right of way while in the roundabout so you have a small percentage of drivers who actually know how to enter it, another percentage that have no clue and the rest don't care. The clueless and careless drivers are the ones to look out for, I've had to lock the brakes twice on my bike while in the roundabout because the other driver wasn't paying attention.

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Offline 74cb750

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2013, 06:49:26 AM »
Dodging white tail deer is an issue around here. Had a bike accident a few weeks ago where the rider saw the deer ahead of time and as soon as he saw the 4th one cross the road he thought the coast was clear and gave the bike some throttle only to find there was a 5th deer. The bike ended up ten feet off the road and rider taken to hospital for head injuries. Another issue is a small roundabout the town installed 2 years ago, roundabouts are a new thing to the locals here and very few took the time to understand who had the right of way while in the roundabout so you have a small percentage of drivers who actually know how to enter it, another percentage that have no clue and the rest don't care. The clueless and careless drivers are the ones to look out for, I've had to lock the brakes twice on my bike while in the roundabout because the other driver wasn't paying attention.
Yep, been there, done that locked brakes thing when the old lady entered the round about in the opposite direction!
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Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2013, 12:42:29 PM »
You have to think , as the weather warms up more bikes will be out. You also have to think some of these riders are just as new to riding as their motorcycles are.
I have to say this is 99% true. if a YOUNG person(25 or younger) and has NEVER ridden before wants a bike like a CBR900RR, or a BUSA or a Z1400. They just don't realize that those bikes are SO fast and they get themselves in trouble before they can blink. I've talked with many newbies and tried to convince them to buy a beater 500cc or less and LEARN to ride instead of a bike that will do 150mph before you know it!!


Offline Bailgang

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 02:34:43 PM »
Yep, been there, done that locked brakes thing when the old lady entered the round about in the opposite direction!

My dear little old lady mother of mine was in from California once and her first experience with our local roundabout didn't go as planned either. The outer asphalt radius of it is of course for the vehicle to follow but on the left though is a very wide concrete curb wide enough for a car but it's only there to accommodate large tractor trailer rigs. A semi itself can follow the asphalt radius but the rear tires of the trailer can't. My mom on the other hand thought that inner curb was another lane so she hopped on it and got stuck there because all the other cars zipping through like they should've wouldn't let her back in. She finally got here and was just ranting up a storm about our horrible 2 lane roundabout, I looked at her and said "2 lane roundabout? What 2 lane roundabout?"

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Offline 70CB750

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2013, 03:39:42 AM »
You have to think , as the weather warms up more bikes will be out. You also have to think some of these riders are just as new to riding as their motorcycles are.
I have to say this is 99% true. if a YOUNG person(25 or younger) and has NEVER ridden before wants a bike like a CBR900RR, or a BUSA or a Z1400. They just don't realize that those bikes are SO fast and they get themselves in trouble before they can blink. I've talked with many newbies and tried to convince them to buy a beater 500cc or less and LEARN to ride instead of a bike that will do 150mph before you know it!!


Right on the money, xnavy.  We had kids kill themselves when wall went down and it was easier to buy big motorcycle.  Going from 350 t stroke to a liter proved deadly in many cases. 
Crap, just doing panic stop with disc brakes when I was used to drums front and back send me skidding down the row on my butt.

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Offline rb550four

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2013, 07:45:09 PM »
   No rider can be too careful anymore, you have to play avoidance technique senarios in your head almost every second of a ride. It just isn't as relaxing as I remember it back in the 70's. The only wrecks we ever hear about anymore are all fatal.
 We all know the risk, but we have to ride, it's who we are, it's what we do. We pick and choose routes that are less congested but it still doesn't mean that there isn't some Ahole driver out there just waiting for you. Be at your best every time you get on a machine folks , and do the best you can so that we're all here at the end of the season.    RB
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Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2013, 05:40:17 AM »
A MC wreck doesn't always involve another vehicle.. I had a real good friend hit a deer a year ago in APRIL at night. His local riding buddies didn't find him or his bike till the following afternoon way off the road in some deep grass.
I believe when your number comes up NOTHING can change the results of that event!!!!


Offline Bailgang

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2013, 05:58:43 AM »
A MC wreck doesn't always involve another vehicle.. I had a real good friend hit a deer a year ago in APRIL at night. His local riding buddies didn't find him or his bike till the following afternoon way off the road in some deep grass.
I believe when your number comes up NOTHING can change the results of that event!!!!


That's the only part about riding to work that I don't like because it's still dark when I leave. I don't mind following a car that's going a bit slower than I'd like because I'll use that cars headlights to give me just a bit more forewarning and hopefully more reaction time in case of deer. They can surprise you as it is even in broad daylight.

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Offline Greggo

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2013, 06:12:27 AM »
Here in the greater San Francisco Bay Area we get well over 100 bike wrecks a year.  It's a highly populated area with lots of bike commuters.  I try to avoid the freeways and bridges, where most of them seem to happen.  Some days if you're paying attention, you can hear about three or more wrecks in a busy week day.

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Motorcycle wrecks in your area
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2013, 02:41:10 AM »
Well I thought I'd be scientific about this, so I compared US annual motorcycle deaths (4600) to motorcycle deaths in Oz (300) and discovered that we actually have the same amount of motorcycle deaths, per head of population.

We've had mandatory helmet laws for the last 40-odd years, we've had "Lights on" laws, we've been made to feel like we're at fault in any collision with a car by anti-motorcycle media ads, and we've been demonised as "Temporary Australians" by our car driving cousins.

We narrowly escaped being forced to wear head to toe fluoro riding gear and we may well soon be the only country apart from Singapore that re-introduces front number plates, because we're apparently not getting caught by fixed speed camera's as much as car drivers do. (no, I don't know why they simply can't rotate the cameras on the poles so they take a pic of our rear number plates either)   

So bottom line, is it doesn't matter how over-regulated our two wheeled pastime is, there will always be a much higher risk of death or serious injury amongst motorcyclists, than pretty much anything else.

A much shorter, but just as succinct analysis of the perils of motorcycling is "Schidt Happens". There's bugger all you can do about it, so either give bikes away and wrap yourself in cotton wool for the rest of your now pointless life, or just sit back, enjoy the ride, and let someone else worry about what "might" happen. Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

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