Hello everyone! New to the forum but not new to M/C forums. Currently a member of KZ650.info where I documented my 1st attempt at a rebuild. It was a 79 Kawasaki KZ650. My Dad really liked what I did so he picked several bikes in trade for an old 83 F150 that had traded for something else. Anyway one of the bikes is a 78 CB750 Super Sport. No pics yet(I know that's important) but hopefully soon when he drops it off. Gotta text last night that he and a buddy got it started and sometime this week will smooth the engine out. Phone pic was rough looking. Seat is all but toast and tank has a big dent from what I could tell. Titled and running makes me happy, happy, happy. More to come! Looking forward to communicating on the board. I know these are very durable bikes and excited to learn more as I did with the Kawi! Here's a pic of her.