Those are stock PD carbs, the accel pump is that thing on number two bowl, it squirts fuel into your carb when you twist the throttle to take away hesitation between the idle and main jet. Its a pretty sweet set up when working properly. Pods are a bit of a pain on these bikes, if you can find a stock air box and put in 110 main jets (stock is 105) it will really wake it up. The pods do look cooler, though. If you are looking for a new set of carbs try SOHCDigger. He rebuilds carbs and would probably sell you a set if he has any extra, or if your carbs aren't in too bad of shape he could rebuild them if you don't want to do it. price is reasonable. He did mine and they are great.
Those wheels aren't that valuable. They are more desirable than then second generation comstars (which are hideous IMHO) but most guys ditch em for spokes. You can buy a GL1000 front fork setup to swap out that way you still can run dual discs. That is what many have done. I personally like the first gen comstars, so i'd keep em

Go to the model thread for 750's and see the model guide. But i belive the Comstars were F3 only.
They were on the F2 and F3 (77-78)
Its a pretty nice lookin bike the way it sits. I wouldn't café it, but that's just me. If your desire is a more sporty bike you could always leave it as is, but replace the bars with some clubmans or clip ons and swap out for a set of rearsets. Then you would have the best of both worlds, while still retaining a somewhat stock look and the ability to ride 2-up. These F model bikes were designed with a little bit of a café theme anyway (thus the tail section.)
I'm biased because I LOVE the stock supersport bikes, but you can certainly do with it what you wish, its your bike. I also don't hate on cafe'd super sports, I love Tweakin, BrandEn, and DoctorD's café bikes. They are pretty sick. Here is some stock supersport porn for your viewing pleasure, courtesy of Kap384, he probably has the nicest on the site as far as completely stock goes: luck with your bike