Got a 78cb750 with a 75ish tank . The bike came with no tank and I just sourced this one which is not a vacuum type. The carbs which are the stock 78 PD carbs with the accelerator pump look to have a a small line for a vacuum petcock. If so I can just cap this off . Can anyone confirm this who has a stocker?
There is only one fuel line from the tank to the carbs. On the #2 carb you will see two barbs the larger one is for fuel the smaller one is vent do not plug this one put a 8" long hose on it and strap it to the back bone. If you were to plug it it would be the same as a plugged gas cap. When you say you got a new tank was it a 77-78 tank if it is a 75 I don't know how the pet cock works
77-78k's don't have a vacuum petcock, theres one fuel line from the petcock to the carb. You should have two vent nipples on the carb as well as the fuel line nipple, or possible like some of the 77 pd's the vent is part of the overflow through the float bowls
No only one vent nipple. The screw on the bottom of the bowls does two things 1 it is a drain and 2 it is part of the over flow path but has nothing to do with the vent. When the screw is seated it allows the over flow to still work and if you open the screw it allows the bowl to drain. This system works well for the clear tube method to check the fuel level in the bowl that should be 2-3mm below the bowl gasket.
Ken Tell me if I am wrong 
Well Ken here's the funny part, I had a discussion with lucky about this last year. He insisted my 77k's Pd41a's had vent nipples, it turns out some of the 41's don't. The atmospheric vent on mine happens through the float bowl overflow tubes. I took pics of the 77 41a's and my spare set of 78k 42a or B's which have the external vent nipples. So yes you are right but some of the PD's vent differently, all my 77 carbs have is a fuel inlet and nothing else.
Here's the thread it was all from the pics I posted for lucky to see
Here you go Lucky, I had my tank off tonight and my PD41A's do not have vent tube nipples. Where the set of PD's off a 78 motor I have do have them.

Here's the 78 carbs