Author Topic: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap  (Read 4650 times)

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Offline 78whiteorbs

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OK so you are on a shoe string budget but your shocks look like they are ready for the scrap yard? Sure you could drop a 100- 300$ on some new ones or do this if you are strapped for cash .
Started with this :

no way those are coming back I was thinking....but I had a thought and some time so I tried a little experiment.
Easy to take these apart if you have a vise and a ratchet strap....

after disassembly I saw that the dampening was still prolly just as good as it ever was to begin with . It's like gas tank that looks like hell on the outside are always spotless inside and the ones with the perfect paint are just waiting to pinhole leak everywhere on ya....go figure.

anyhow I went to town with my wire wheel and even thought the chrome was pitted badly on the springs , the shock bodies cleaned up spectacular. I rubbed 'em up with some 0000 steel wool after the wire wheel but spend maybe 3 mines total on each shock body.

Next comes the miracle elixir-

spray painting shock springs would NOT work at all typically , First time they flexed the paint would crack and flake. The trick I thought up was to use plasidip (can get at any NAPA and many othe rauto stores) which is an aerosol rubberized coating. After spraying several coats with the Plastidip I then sprayed a top coat with Krylon Fusion which is a very flexible paint that you can actually paint plastic dirtbike fenders with and it will not crack or flake as it is formulated to bond with plastics and it very flexible . It also comes in several colors and adds gloss (the plastidip only comes in flat colors) .

so for like 8 bux you can refurbish quite a few sets of shocks. Or say you just wanna paint your springs for a paint theme ,there you go.
Now I know this is in no way a suspension improvement but if the shocks still dampen well it sure hides the hell out of a horrid eye sore.
Hope this helps someone save a buck or two-  :)

« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 10:35:13 PM by 78whiteorbs »

Offline shinyribs

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 10:51:49 PM »
Mighty nice!!!!!!
The darn fool didn't know it couldn't be he went ahead and did it anyway.

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Offline Viktor.J

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 10:52:51 PM »
Nice Tip ! Im sure it will come in handy for plenty of members in the future !
Please ! Take a look and give me feedback in my project thread, its much needed :)

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Offline Rudi91

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 12:56:28 AM »
Wow! Thanks for the tip.
I've actually got all the rust away from my shock with cleaning vinegar.
I've used plastidip on my Husqvarna for all the plastics on it. But I didn't think it would last on the springs since they bounce.
Btw u can make plastidip look like chrome, gold, copper or just shiny with an extra spraycan that plastidip offers.

Still have one aersol left but need that one for my Husq. Going to see if I can order some plastidip from the US. Prices here in the Netherlands are insane compared to over there. We pay more delivery costs then u do for the aerosol :( and then the aerosols are 14  euro's each (18dollars)
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Offline dave500

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 02:13:34 AM »
yeah good effort,as rotortiller said,,thats how old bikes are made to look good,,elbow grease.

Offline 78whiteorbs

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 10:12:30 AM »
I like the thought of not just throwing money at stuff. Anyone can do that and still fail miserably .
The old school ideology of using what was on hand and modifying stuff to suit a need is highly gratifying to me . 
This experiment was on a little 1973 ct175 I had and after looking for a month and a half could not find suitable replacements anywhere so as they say necessity is the mother of
all's true~

Offline george

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 02:49:08 PM »
so as they say necessity is the mother of
all's true~
Yes sir , them Carolina boys git-er-done ! I'm from Rock Hill ! Nice job !
Found this bike in completely stock condition in Feb. 08. Paid over twice what my new one cost 30 years ago. Am trying to re-create the look of the late 70's Drag Bike styling.More later. 4-2-10 It ain't stock any more and I have no idea what I am trying to create !

Offline chewbacca5000

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 03:59:18 PM »
Great post!  I did the same thing myself the other day, but used powdercoat instead of paint.  I am very happy with the result.  Keep up the good work.

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 04:42:20 PM »
I also did the same a couple weeks ago but got flamed on another site for trying to refurb a 40 year old shock that was probably useless anyways. I straightened out the flamer by explaining that my purpose for doing was 2 fold. I am a professional powder coater and was just using the old shock to mock up color for the bike before replacing the shocks. I only intended on coating one and then hanging the before and after on the showroom wall for display. If you have reasonable commercial blasting in your area you would be better off blasting the old chrome off and then prepping for paint or powder. Nice tutorial on the procedure. Here are mine:

Offline 78whiteorbs

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2013, 09:32:29 PM »
That's GREAT ! I was gonna have the springs powdered as I don't think it would be that much but I had everything I needed to do this so I figured why not . So stupid people flame but they never contribute. I think that looks awesome and if you did it for free then kudos. Sure 40 year old shocks are 40 year old shocks but they don't have to look so bad. Prime reason first thing I stated was this was NOT in anyway a performance upgrade,lol. But if you are on a budget as most of us are then it is something to consider.  Alotta forums use to be about using the grey matter and sharing ideas and not just buying and bolting stuff on .

Offline Rudi91

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2013, 12:47:04 AM »
I also did the same a couple weeks ago but got flamed on another site for trying to refurb a 40 year old shock that was probably useless anyways. I straightened out the flamer by explaining that my purpose for doing was 2 fold. I am a professional powder coater and was just using the old shock to mock up color for the bike before replacing the shocks. I only intended on coating one and then hanging the before and after on the showroom wall for display. If you have reasonable commercial blasting in your area you would be better off blasting the old chrome off and then prepping for paint or powder. Nice tutorial on the procedure. Here are mine:

Is that blue also plastidip? Which one is it? I really like the color might get it myself  ;D
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: It's "shock-ing"!...bringing old shocks back from the dead- cheap
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2013, 02:03:19 AM »
That looks great mate, you've done a great job.

As the OEM shocks are not rebuildable, you can't strip them right down and replace the 40 year old damping oil which, and the non-replaceable but understandably worn damping rod seal will have allowed some moisture ingress, so the insides will always be pretty horrible, but there's not much you can do about that.

Functionally they're still crappy old OEM shocks, but aesthetically, they look great, well done. Cheers, Terry. ;D 
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