I have a '78 CB550 that is in good running condition. The PO had hacked the 5-prong wiring connector that goes to the ignition switch off, butt-crimped smaller gauge wire onto the stock harness and crimped blade terminals on the end and stuffed them all in the stock ignition switch (5-prong with steering lock + Parking). For my brake/taillight/rear turns I am using a RadiantZ integrated LED unit that works well with Triton EP34 LED electronic flasher. Everything works fine with the stock switch hooked up, I just cannot figure out how to hook up the new switch and retain turn signal function.
This past week I designed a new "dash" plate to house a speedometer, the choke, four indicator lights, and the new ignition switch I purchased. Ordered the switch through Dime City Cycles but it is from Lossa Engineering, and their wiring diagram is attached.
Prior to taking the factory switch off, everything did *work* fine; key to "on" and running brake light came on, I could operate the headlight and the signals, and the brake switch activated the brake light. My understanding after looking at the factory manual is that on the "On" position, the ignition switch jumpers Red and...Black? for ignition, and Brown+Brown/White for accessory lighting. Here's what I can't figure out through reading, searching, or trial and error:
Lossa Red <---> Stock Red
Lossa Purple <---> Stock Black
/\/\/\ Key "On" and no running light, but brake light works, ignition works and bike starts
Lossa Red <---> Stock Red
Lossa Purple <---> Stock Black
Lossa Purple/White <---> Stock Brown
/\/\/\ Key "On" and I get running brake light, brake light, ignition works and bike starts but *no* turn signals??
I tried every other combination of Power Out + with Key On wires from the Lossa switch to the stock Brown/White wire, but I cannot get the turn signals to work now

Any suggestions?

Chris C.