I have been having some trouble finding answers through searching so I am posting some pictures hoping someone has experienced what I am finding. I had a noise like a marble bouncing around in the clutch area. So I pulled the cover off and did some investigating. Looks as though the back of the clutch basket was rubbing a bolt head and part of the shifting mechanism. There is a part that is installed that I can not find on the fiche, not sure if it is a spacer or what. It was located on the shaft in the rear basket, between the part that the plates and disks are on. So, to clarify, remove pressure plate, plates disks, snap ring and spacing washer, remove plate and disk holder, and when the rear basket is pulled off this piece is centered in the shaft hole with a flat end facing away from the trans. All that being said I can tell the back of the basket is or can touch the mechanisms behind it. I switched this piece so the flat end was facing the trans, on the back of the basket and slid the basket on. NO rubbing. Does anyone have knowledge of this? I am attaching pictures of the damage, and will take some more of the other parts.