Well I thought I'd be scientific about this, so I compared US annual motorcycle deaths (4600) to motorcycle deaths in Oz (300) and discovered that we actually have the same amount of motorcycle deaths, per head of population.
We've had mandatory helmet laws for the last 40-odd years, we've had "Lights on" laws, we've been made to feel like we're at fault in any collision with a car by anti-motorcycle media ads, and we've been demonised as "Temporary Australians" by our car driving cousins.
We narrowly escaped being forced to wear head to toe fluoro riding gear and we may well soon be the only country apart from Singapore that re-introduces front number plates, because we're apparently not getting caught by fixed speed camera's as much as car drivers do. (no, I don't know why they simply can't rotate the cameras on the poles so they take a pic of our rear number plates either)
So bottom line, is it doesn't matter how over-regulated our two wheeled pastime is, there will always be a much higher risk of death or serious injury amongst motorcyclists, than pretty much anything else.
A much shorter, but just as succinct analysis of the perils of motorcycling is "Schidt Happens". There's bugger all you can do about it, so either give bikes away and wrap yourself in cotton wool for the rest of your now pointless life, or just sit back, enjoy the ride, and let someone else worry about what "might" happen. Cheers, Terry.