4 1/2 acres of greenery, town is about 11 klicks away and it has liquor store, beer store, drug store, supermarket, hardware store, lumber yard, harbor, beach, pub passing decent restaurant, shoe store, auto parts store in other words most every thing you need and oh yeah a hospital. The Tosh's retreat at the moment is hundred's of shades of green and every thing is ready to leap out of the ground the trees have leafed out and I can't see the minor highway from the house, more importantly the road can't see in, we have a collection of birds, chickadee's to ruby throated humming birds to Baltimore Oriels as far as wild life goes wild turkeys, a bear, deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, a wolf, things like that and light even when it's cloudy and rainy, enormous light, now if I could afford it I would figure out how to put a berm between the maple trees at the front and the road and that would make it even quieter, as far as snow goes so far it's cost us 300 or so dollars this year for plowing which is about average and mostly if winters here you need and want snow because that means renewal time/quiet time and you compensate for it being harder to get around (major snow storm mostly you don't need to be on the road.) this year I think we'll finally get the last few bits of the house finished and my shop will be done. So if I last I can get all my bike projects done and start working on the house making it more energy efficient. We'll see how veggy sales go this year if good the all of the projects will go more smoothly.
Bill the demon.