all combo units are two separate circuits in the one housing,,most wreckers/breakers used parts guys dont know #$%*,most,,some do though,, and if they do will ask what type of alternator is it for?the two types of alternators have two different types of regulators,our hondas alternators have an elecromagnet in which its "magnetic field"is basicly increased or decreased by the regulator by supplying it more or less voltage to increase or decrease charging/output,the type with a permanant magnet have the "field strength"at the same level all the time,when this type reaches a too high output the excess is basicly wasted to ground,,our type regulates the voltage to the electromagnet,and so its field strength,not the actual voltage output as such,i rarely post in electrical threads,it takes too much explaining first?and i never quote wire colours,,these can be wrong or fickle or changed or faded or tampered with etc,i need to see electricals and physicaly trace to make sure,this might be why so many dynas and other electronic ignitions get burnt out?