The point about bad tachs is a good one. Last night i reinstalled the mechanical tach so i could compare the mechanical and electric tachs. This was the original basis of how i input the setting on the acewell. Again, they matched... +-500 rpm...sortof...
While moving things around i noticed that if i stuck the mech tach out so that the tach cable was completely straight it read completely differently (+3000 rpm compared to the elec tach). Previously, i never repositioned the mech tach.. i only left it in the position it would be in as if installed on the top triple.
Thinking the statement about bad mech tachs i decided to go back to the acewell instructions. They say the setting should be X if there are X number of signals per rotations. I had it set at 2 (because that is what matched the mechanical tach) but i believe it should be set to 1. I have the acewell tach input wire installed to the 2-3 coil. Say the engine starts at TDC and sparks for cylinder 2. The engine rotates 360 degrees where the 2-3 coil sends a spark for cylinder 3. This should solve my issue
Thanks for all the help guys and sorry for the trouble. This is my first bike & i guess i didn't know what an engine running at 5000 rpm should sound like