Thanks for replying Twotired, your knowledge is wayyyyyyyy beyond me and I thankyou, ill try to do my best with some of the answers. Also, Im new to forums so I dont know how to do that thing you do where you show the previous post and then your response to it. So forgive me on that. Ill figure it out though.
Yes your right, it does not idle to be more precise.
As for my comment on it running great, No I dont know this for sure, sorry. It runs satisfactory for me. This was my first bike build so I was damn surprised when it even started. It seems to pull well but hey, what do I know.
Outside temps have varied in the 3 times I have ridden the bike. All 3 for more then 60 kilometers/37 miles. First time I rode it, it was around 12c/53f. Second time around 20c/68f and the last time it was around 22c-24c/71f-75f. Ill be honest and say that as the weather gets hotter, it seemed to die more at idle. The first time i rode it, the coldest time, it was running the best. Didnt die at idle once at 1400. And idled the smoothest around 1400-1500 rpm(but still high i know).
If I were to describe the way it dies, I can get it to idle at 1400rpm for about 5-10 seconds and then it slowly dies off. it gets into the 'sputtering' stage before dieing. No surging.
I did not try less then 1 turn. 1 turn out was the lowest.
As for the Dyna wires, I had the supplier of the wires email Dyna directly about this issue. I received the wires with no labeling as to what ohm resistance was in the caps. From what I was told, they had no resistance. So they said to use the R series of sparkplug. I was just going by what Dyna told me. Im sure you probably know better though. I will test them this weekend to be for sure. I should have done this in the first place. Things that I learn along the way
and thankyou to guys like you for being patient with guys like me.
For the plugs, They are close to what you describe as in they have more soot around the outside and less inside. Its not pure white by anymeans but I can see traces of white on the insulator for sure. Ill take better pics this weekend as well.
For the Jetting and carb bits, Yes they are all Keihin parts. All the spare main and slow jets I bought are Keihin as well. I made sure of it. The sizes of jetting and clip pos. I used were all recommended to me by other users of the same setup and dynoman. It was what I was using as a baseline as I knew the stock settings would not work. The 110 main was larger then I was told to use but I didnt want anychance of being too lean and burning my new big bore kit up.
The emulsion tubes I did not compare under a microscope and check the diameters of the little holes, but it looked pretty damn close from my eye.
I will try the 42 jets and see.
For the Float heights, no I did not know that it would enrichen the entire range. Again, was only doing what was recommended for the setup. I am very glad to have you tell me that though. Any little bit I can learn is benefit to me. I will set the 14.5 float height first and see where that goes, along with the new plugs. Oh and Ill test the resistance in my dyna wires to confirm.
Thanks again for replying.