Hey Les,
I rile a little at the "frogs" bit, I'm morphing after 10 years here. But yes, these rules are juste merde. There is another one equally stupid, that says you have to have a breath test kit with you at all times (exception 50cc bikes , probably cos 14 year old kids would never drink). But FOR WHAT ? So lets say you have a scoop at lunchtime and decide to drive home. Hmm am I over the limit you may ask yourself ? So you blow into your breath tester thingy, satisfy yourself that you are OK, so on you go. Except now you are breaking the law, because you have no useable breath tester kit with you, and the plod can fine you. So you need to carry two kits, or never ever drink and drive. I choose the latter, but the law here is absolute fubar !
Fin du rant.