Author Topic: How about some of this K&N Oil instead of what Honda recommends? CB125s  (Read 571 times)

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Just soaked the stock air filter (which is a metal type) in warm water with dish soap. Also ran some engine cleaner through it which actually really helps much more.

Honda says to use engine oil or whatever...but I do have a full can of K&N filter oil. Why not just that instead?

Offline Terry in Australia

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Why not indeed? It won't hurt mate, so go for it! Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)


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I agree. Made the call and just went with. Seems golden.

Offline 333

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K&N makes two types, one for foam filters, one for fabric filters. It's important to use the correct one.

Doesn't that bike have a paper filter?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 08:10:25 PM by 333 »
Go metric, every inch of the way!

CB350F0  "Scrouching Tiger"
CT70K0    "Sneezing Poodle"


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I pulled out a mesh-looking thing cylinder.

I was too expecting paper.