Author Topic: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.  (Read 191651 times)

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Offline toytuff

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1300 on: July 27, 2013, 02:08:21 PM »
That's right, it was so fast that it warped time and space, and I arrived at the finish line before I actually left the start line.

Now that's funny!

 :D :D :D


Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1301 on: July 27, 2013, 03:53:43 PM »
Yea I keep coming back because I hate unread threads on my list. Not because Im subscribed. I like how fenders comes back and says one post and then there's 10 guys pissing themselves yelling at him that the 450 ain't #$%*. ]Then its proven it has a better 0-60 time[/u and then you guys just say, ya well uuuhhh 750 has a better 1/4 it will never keep up shutup fenders. And this sums up this whole thread..

Just saying. Not trying to argue with anyone but it just looks bad.

Sent from my ADR6410LVW using Tapatalk 2

Show me where its proven mate, the only thing proven in this thread is that Fenders is impressed with his 450.... ;D :o
That 0-60 and quarter mile times quoted seems to be similar to the times the K2 did with an 18tooth front sprocket, with the 17 tooth sprocket the same bike was back into the 12 second bracket {quoting Rafster's post} which would also significantly alter any 0-60 times quoted here. If  Team Hanson had actually done the tests themselves it would be more credible, but some Cycle world hack... ::) Other Mags of the exact same year quoted the same figures Honda quoted, which was 12.6 in the quarter, work out what that would be in the 0-60 and you would have your answer.... 8)  If this thread is upsetting you then don't read it, no one if forcing you to.... :P

Morning all.... ;D
750 K2 1000cc
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1302 on: July 27, 2013, 04:05:57 PM »
Good morning to all, and to the voyeurs and masochists.............. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline goofy3392

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1303 on: July 27, 2013, 04:20:09 PM »
Yea I keep coming back because I hate unread threads on my list. Not because Im subscribed. I like how fenders comes back and says one post and then there's 10 guys pissing themselves yelling at him that the 450 ain't #$%*. ]Then its proven it has a better 0-60 time[/u and then you guys just say, ya well uuuhhh 750 has a better 1/4 it will never keep up shutup fenders. And this sums up this whole thread..

Just saying. Not trying to argue with anyone but it just looks bad.

Sent from my ADR6410LVW using Tapatalk 2

Show me where its proven mate, the only thing proven in this thread is that Fenders is impressed with his 450.... ;D :o
That 0-60 and quarter mile times quoted seems to be similar to the times the K2 did with an 18tooth front sprocket, with the 17 tooth sprocket the same bike was back into the 12 second bracket {quoting Rafster's post} which would also significantly alter any 0-60 times quoted here. If  Team Hanson had actually done the tests themselves it would be more credible, but some Cycle world hack... ::) Other Mags of the exact same year quoted the same figures Honda quoted, which was 12.6 in the quarter, work out what that would be in the 0-60 and you would have your answer.... 8)  If this thread is upsetting you then don't read it, no one if forcing you to.... :P

Morning all.... ;D

Ok you got me, this thread is like a train wreck..can't look away lol. I don't mind the actual sitting down and talking numbers and not bashing a bike, that makes this thread interesting to read.

Sent from my ADR6410LVW using Tapatalk 2

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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1304 on: July 27, 2013, 06:04:03 PM »
Cycle magazine's test at 82F 34% humidity of the 69 cb750 had 0-60 of 5.2 seconds and 1/4 mile time of 13.38 seconds.
So Fendersrule, the cb750 is faster according to that article and the link you posted that had the 0-60 for the cb450 as 5.8 seconds and 14.4 sec 1/4 mile time.

Google cb750 road test and you can find the page with images of the road test by Cycle magazine.
The data I published earlier was from HondaMan's personal experience on the drag strip.
Hondaman tuned his bike, but even then it was in stock form.

If the 750 was not a faster and better bike it would not have sold well and would have been an embarassment to Honda as the sales would not be there and the media would not be able to praise it but would be or might be panning it in comparison.

Fenders, I am glad you like your bike and you are restoring it.
Keeping them on the road is good, preserving them to be enjoyed and used.
Even HondaMan has said he likes the cb400, cb450, cb500, cb550 bikes as I believe he has owned them all, but he rides and works on the cb750 far more often.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 06:33:13 PM by RAFster122S »
David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1305 on: July 27, 2013, 10:23:30 PM »
I said I like the 450.....

Just not as much as my fours.....any of them.

No one bashed the 450 much.....we all just said it:

A. Wasn't faster than a 750

B. Wasnt the most impressive honda ever.
Stranger in a strange land

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1306 on: July 27, 2013, 10:28:37 PM »
No way as impressive as my 'Wang! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)


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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1307 on: July 27, 2013, 10:34:09 PM »
I said I like the 450.....

Just not as much as my fours.....any of them.

No one bashed the 450 much.....we all just said it:

A. Wasn't faster than a 750

B. Wasnt the most impressive honda ever.

I think it's clear that there was a #$%*load of CB450 bashing on here. That's why I checked out. Really unprofessional and rude.

Retro, no one "proved" that the CB750 is "quicker" than the CB450, either. So the ball is just as much in your court. As much as you find sources that say the 0-60 is faster on the CB750, I can find sources to counter that.

And that's great that you don't feel that it's the most impressive, but I have my own opinion.

By the way, I just picked another one up. I'll save the pictures for other audiences, though.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 10:38:11 PM by fendersrule »

Offline kghost

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1308 on: July 27, 2013, 10:44:04 PM »

I think it's clear that there was a #$%*load of CB450 bashing on here. That's why I checked out. Really unprofessional and rude.


I disagree.

If you were expecting professionalism......its the internet mate.

At almost every turn you were the one who made it personal.

And that's great that you don't feel that it's the most impressive, but I have my own opinion.

That's exactly what it is....your opinion. Doesn't have to be true or have a shred of credibility.

Opinions are like A$$holes, everyone has one (including the internet)

[By the way, I just picked another one up. I'll save the pictures for other audiences, though.

Share away. I complimented the work you were doing.

Its just not the most impressive bike ever.
Stranger in a strange land

Offline trueblue

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1309 on: July 28, 2013, 03:27:18 AM »
Damn, fenders is a little touchy.  In my opinion, if you make a statement such as he did, you have to expect a little ridicule.  Then if you act like a dick, you have to expect a lot of ridicule ;D

It would be the same as me going down the main street of town and shouting out that I am the lord almighty at the top of my lungs.  If I were silly enough to do this I would fully expect for everyone to take the piss.

Fenders, this is pretty much what you have done with this thread, you have walked out into the main street, so to speak, and proclaimed from your little soapbox that something is something that most people believe it isn't.  Deal with it, or as they say over here, have a teaspoon of cement and harden the #$%* up ;D.
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Offline dave500

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1310 on: July 28, 2013, 03:52:31 AM »
ha!the 450 twin wont even stay with a 550 through half of first gear man!im serious now!!theres been enough banter back and forth about what ever,,for one,, the very idea of video taping the clocks on a run is just dumb,,like they are so accurate?jeepers slept!did i just spell that wrong?#$%* fender,,any 550 will eat your 450 man!!i dont care how many cams you got!!you still havent answered directly my question,,how would your 450 stack up against a mid 80s suzy 450 twin?

Offline kghost

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1311 on: July 28, 2013, 04:02:31 AM »
I'm enjoying a beer dave
Stranger in a strange land

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1312 on: July 28, 2013, 04:14:20 AM »
Jeez I can understand that we shouldn't be rude, but do we really have to be professional? Professional what? Professional Rubes, so we can swallow Fender's BS without questioning his lopsided, arsebackwards opinion?

Personally, I couldn't care less about Fender's latest CB450 aquisition, if he's taken his bat and ball and gone home that's fine, as long as he doesn't come back, he really is a Buzz kill with his hurt feelings and his claims of unprofessionalism, he's like a big black cloud hanging over this otherwise excellent thread...........

Ooher, and good night all ;D 
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline maduncle

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1313 on: July 28, 2013, 04:21:20 AM »
Jeez I can understand that we shouldn't be rude, but do we really have to be professional? Professional what? Professional Rubes, so we can swallow Fender's BS without questioning his lopsided, arsebackwards opinion?

Personally, I couldn't care less about Fender's latest CB450 aquisition, if he's taken his bat and ball and gone home that's fine, as long as he doesn't come back, he really is a Buzz kill with his hurt feelings and his claims of unprofessionalism, he's like a big black cloud hanging over this otherwise excellent thread...........

Ooher, and good night all ;D

'night uncle Terry.

CB750K2 (only slightly modified)

Offline trueblue

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1314 on: July 28, 2013, 04:23:44 AM »
Terry, maybe Fenders needs one of these ;D

1979 CB650Z
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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1315 on: July 28, 2013, 04:26:53 AM »
Jeez I can understand that we shouldn't be rude, but do we really have to be professional? Professional what? Professional Rubes, so we can swallow Fender's BS without questioning his lopsided, arsebackwards opinion?

Personally, I couldn't care less about Fender's latest CB450 aquisition, if he's taken his bat and ball and gone home that's fine, as long as he doesn't come back, he really is a Buzz kill with his hurt feelings and his claims of unprofessionalism, he's like a big black cloud hanging over this otherwise impressive thread...........

Over, and good night all ;D 

There, I fixed that for you...
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline dave500

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1316 on: July 28, 2013, 04:35:05 AM »
come on guys,,fenders is a good sport,he hasnt dumped us yet has he?im sure your build will be solid fender,,with great attention to detail,,your work will be quality and with no equal,,still wont run with my 550 though man!it just wont,,im not #$%*ting you fender my ordinary 550 will out race/out drag/out steer/out handle/out all everything you think your lowly 450 twin can do,,and do it easy man!

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1317 on: July 28, 2013, 04:05:14 PM »
I said I like the 450.....

Just not as much as my fours.....any of them.

No one bashed the 450 much.....we all just said it:

A. Wasn't faster than a 750

B. Wasnt the most impressive honda ever.

I think it's clear that there was a #$%*load of CB450 bashing on here. That's why I checked out. Really unprofessional and rude.

Retro, no one "proved" that the CB750 is "quicker" than the CB450, either. So the ball is just as much in your court. As much as you find sources that say the 0-60 is faster on the CB750, I can find sources to counter that.

You need a teaspoon or more of cement dude, No one is bashing you impressive pile of #$%*  ;D oh hang on..... :P
Anyway, one of my quotes was from HONDA, remember them, they made both bikes... :o  Also Mark {Hondaman} has more Honda knowledge in his little toe than most on here, he got a 12.6 from his 750/4 {stock}, while you are scouring the net trying to find the information that doesn't exist, read up on Hondaman { Mark Paris}, even read his book on Honda 750's, you may just learn a thing or 2....  Save yourself the time to search for anything that will make the 450 faster, {apart from fitting a retro rocket  ;D} as it doesn't exist....

Morning all..... ;D
750 K2 1000cc
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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1318 on: July 28, 2013, 04:23:28 PM »
Fenders, why don't you believe the tests from Cycle magazine back in the day? Do you think today's gas is better, or the stock bikes are going to be faster?

HondaMan found the cylinders drift causing a performance loss that I am thinking is a 10% align bore one size up fixes and restores that power loss.
10% loss won't make the 450 faster than a 750...
David- back in the desert SW!


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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1319 on: July 28, 2013, 04:25:20 PM »
This was Cycle World testing results, both being 1969 model year.

CB750                                CB450

1/8 mile                               1/8 mile
7.90 @ 82.56 mph                8.42 @ 74.62

1/4 mile                                1/4 mile
13.38 @ 100.01 mph             14.88 86.04 mph

0-60...5.2 sec                        0-60...4.3 sec

Top Speed                             Top Speed
123.24                                   105.74

Offline goofy3392

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1320 on: July 28, 2013, 05:35:33 PM »
ha!the 450 twin wont even stay with a 550 through half of first gear man!im serious now!!theres been enough banter back and forth about what ever,,for one,, the very idea of video taping the clocks on a run is just dumb,,like they are so accurate?jeepers slept!did i just spell that wrong?#$%* fender,,any 550 will eat your 450 man!!i dont care how many cams you got!!you still havent answered directly my question,,how would your 450 stack up against a mid 80s suzy 450 twin?

How about GPS app on a smart phone? My GPS is pretty damn accurate. Compare your GPS to a radar or a known accurate speedometer. Then compare the GPS to your bike speedometer.

Then on android phones get the app ulysee speedometer. It has a race option and can record your 0-60 via GPS. Not the most accurate but unless someone takes a bike to a drag strip I'm out of ideas...

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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1321 on: July 28, 2013, 07:23:17 PM »
This was Cycle World testing results, both being 1969 model year.

CB750                                CB450

1/8 mile                               1/8 mile
7.90 @ 82.56 mph                8.42 @ 74.62

1/4 mile                                1/4 mile
13.38 @ 100.01 mph             14.88 86.04 mph

0-60...5.2 sec                        0-60...4.3 sec

Top Speed                             Top Speed
123.24                                   105.74

Try and find anything else to back that up, first up you tried to palm this off as Team Hansons results  :o  It is the ONLY time i have ever see any 450 numbers better than a 750 , you still refuse to believe Honda's numbers and other tests done at the time that back up Honda's claim... Also another line for you genius, My mate an I both had the same model CB750F boldors in the early 80's, mine was way faster than Glens, same bike, same engine and only a few hundred miles apart, My point is that the test you hold as the holy grail {only reference to a faster 450 0-60 on the planet} could simply be the result of a poorly set up 750 as Mark {Hondaman} has alluded to.... Hold the boat,  looking at the cycle world numbers i suspect an error, look at the 1/2 second gap at the 1/8th mile, it would take a little less than the 1/8th to get to 60MPH {450 was at 74mph at the 1/8th}, and seeings though the 750 is a 1/2 second ahead just after that {at the 1/8th} makes no sense, a 1/2 second is a long time on a drag strip and those test results show a 1 second gap at 60MPH to the 450 , its physically impossible for the 450 to be a second ahead at almost the 1/8th mile then the 750 to be 1/2 second faster at the 1/8th  impossible....  Do the math mate, {the 750 made up 1 1/2 seconds in about 50-60 feet  ::)}  it just does not add up and is virtually impossible....
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:34:36 AM by Retro Rocket »
750 K2 1000cc
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Offline toytuff

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1322 on: July 28, 2013, 07:23:51 PM »
This thread is about guitars right?

I had a couple of Fenders. Wasn't impressed with them either.  :P


Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1323 on: July 28, 2013, 07:25:06 PM »
This thread is about guitars right?

I had a couple of Fenders. Wasn't impressed with them either.  :P


Without strings apparently.... ;D
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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Offline toytuff

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Re: I believe the CB450 is the most impressive bike ever made.
« Reply #1324 on: July 28, 2013, 07:27:39 PM »
DAMN! Another Senior Moment!  :o
