Thanks Cliff, and the correct answer was, drumroll............. the 1985 Honda GL1200 Interstate! (same spec as the '86) I'm always amazed at how little my fellow SOHCer's know about any non SOHC4. Well, technically, the 'Wang is an SOHC4, but you know what I'm saying...............

Ooher, Bimota's are very nice jiggers, his SB3 would have been a road bike that was raced, then put back on the road, as there was no "race only" SB3 that I'm aware of? I could have bought one at Phil Beaumonts in Brisbane in 1989 for 3 grand, and a HB1 (the rarest, with a CB750 engine) for around the same money. Very untidy condition, but Phil had a half a dozen Bimota's leaning up against walls back then when no-one wanted one.
I sold my CX650 engine that I was gonna shove in my 500 frame to an interesting bloke recently, he's an ex-pat Kiwi who used to work for famous Kiwi frame builder Ken McIntosh. For very little money back then, Ken built him a special frame for a GSX1100 engine, similar to the one Dr Roger Freeth won Bathurst on in 1983. Ken made it especially to suit the guy's tall frame.
Anyway, he was almost killed on it when clobbered by a car, so it went back to Ken, who built him another bike, which the guy then loaned to Roger Freeth, who turbo'd it for him, and occasionally rode it up to his own death in 1993. It's back at the guys father's house in Wellington, and when his dad dies, he'll bring it out to Oz. I'm looking forwards to eventually seeing it.

Morning all!